Le trasformazioni in atto nei differenti modelli di welfare europeo: i casi svedese (Dominique Anxo, The Swedish Welfare State in Times of Crisis: Resilience and Success), tedesco (Gerhard Bosch , Reconstructing the German Social Model), portoghese (Pilar González, António Figueiredo, Crisis, Austerity and the European Social Model in Portugal, inglese (Damian Grimshaw, Ruptures and Continuities In the Uk Social Model: The Erosion of ‘Liberal Collectivism’), spagnolo (Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo, José-Ignacio Antón, Crisis, Fiscal Consolidation and the Cutbacks in The Welfare State in Spain) e italiano (Annamaria Simonazzi, Back to the Mediterranean Model? Italy’s Reopening Gap with the “European Social Model”)